These trash cans (there are two more trash cans that I failed to put in the photo) and boxes hold fifteen years of my work life. Actually, I would have had a lot more teaching past to dispose of had I not had a different classroom for each of the last two years. Thursday, I resigned from my teaching position and cleaned out my room. I will be a librarian in the fall at a different school in a different district. Being a librarian instead of a teacher will be a big change, and I know that I will miss some of aspects of being a teacher. I will NOT miss the grading papers part of teaching. :-)
Despite my unhappiness for the past three school years, I will miss working at my old school. So many of those people are like family to me, and I can't imagine not seeing them every day and not knowing what is going on in their lives. Of course, I will keep in touch with some of them, but it won't be quite the same.
I'm really looking forward to my new career, but I am not having a very fun summer, taking classes to prepare for my new career. I barely have any time for fun stuff, like movies, reading, or traveling. I have been to a concert, and I plan to blog about that soon. (I can't do it now because I have an assignment to get started on--it's due two days from now and it's a big one.) Today, though, I did go to the Astros game and watched them shut out the Rockies, first shut out of what has been a very long and disappointing season and it's not quite half over yet. Maybe the second half will be better, like it has been for the past few seasons.
I better get started on my assignment now. Later.
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