Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Before turning the tv off tonight, I looked at the Guide to see if anything interesting was on, not intending to stay up and watch it, just being curious. Unfortunately, I noticed that Reds was just starting on one of the movie channels. I LOVE this 3+ hours movie. It's about Jack Ryan, the only American buried in the Kremlin. He was an American Socialist & activist who gets caught up in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Warren Beatty won Best Director for this movie, which he stars in and co-wrote. It's a very literate, intellectual, and romantic movie. I can remember going to see this movie with my then best friend Barbara (in 1981--we were only 17, damn! that was too long ago). We both loved movies, especially the classics, and this movie reminded us of those movies. Diane Keaton plays the feminist writer Louise Bryant who falls for Jack Ryan. Too bad it's so late, I can't possibly stay up until 2:00a.m. to see this through to the end. Oh well, it's on a movie channel so maybe I'll catch it at a more convenient time this weekend. I may have to stay up at least until I hear Jack and Louise say their goodbye line (my mind has gone blank on the content of this line), which becomes a refrain in the movie. If you've never seen this movie, you should check it out sometime.

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